Financial Information

Camp Fees

Camp fees are charged at the time of registration. Payment can be made using a credit or debit card or e-checks.

Campers are discouraged from bringing any cash since it is not needed.

Overnight Camp - Fee includes 6 nights of cabin space, meals, Bible class materials, t-shirt, recreational equipment, and $10 credit at the camp canteen store.

Day Camp - Fee includes 4 days with snacks and lunch, t-shirt, and teaching and recreational aids.

High School Retreat - Fee includes 3-day weekend of cabin space, meals, refreshments and teaching and recreational activities.

Early Registration

Campers that register prior to the Monday before overnight camp starts and the Tuesday before day camp starts.

  • Overnight Camp - $225

  • Day Camp - $110

  • High School Retreat - $60

Late Registration

A $25 fee will be added to the camp fee for late registrations. Late registrations begin the Monday before overnight camp starts and Tuesday before day camp starts.

  • Overnight Camp - $250

  • Day Camp - $135

Financial Aid


Financial aid in the form of full or partial "Camperships" may be available upon review of the requested need. Campership approvals are processed through online registration. When you register your camper, there will be an option to request financial aid. You do not have to pay the camp fee before finding out if your financial aid is approved.


Sponsorships provide an avenue for individuals to pay the fee for a camper. You will be notified if your camper is selected for a Sponsorship. Sponsor a camper. For additional information or questions, please contact the Registrar at


Full refunds are given when a camper’s registration is cancelled as long as the Refund Request form below is submitted more than 1 week prior to the start of camp. If the cancellation is received after that deadline, then refunds will be considered based on the following criteria.

  • We can replace the camper. For example, the camper that is cancelling has identified a replacement camper or the camp session is full and has a wait list and the cancellation opens up a slot for someone on the wait list.

  • Extreme circumstances. We cannot list every situation that might be considered as an extreme circumstance; however, they would include death of a close family member or unexpected health situation that would prevent participation at camp (broken bone, diagnosis of serious illness).

  • Session Director authorizes. On rare occasions, the Session Director may encourage a refund to be processed because of special circumstances that he / she may be aware of that are not identified on a refund request from a parent/guardian.

All refunds require a Refund Request form. If there is more than one cancellation additional forms will need to be submitted.

Refund Request